Tuesday, February 27, 2007

How It All Began: My Pregnancy

This blog is about motherhood and the adventures that go along with it. But first, a few words about the nine month experience that traditionally precedes motherhood: pregnancy!

My pregnancy was actually pretty incredible - fairly uneventful, in the good way :) Especially compared to those horror stories that all those veteran moms insist on telling new moms. Those horror stories kept me up nights, wondering when lightening was going to strike. But I managed to enjoy being pregnant - I felt great, was able to stay active and keep working until delivery, ended up with no stretchmarks, enjoyed great prenatal care and ultrasound experiences (the 3D ones were amazing!), and basked in the amazing support of my husband. I did suspect that I was 2 weeks farther along than the doctors thought, but they thought Daniel was just a big baby. Turns out we were both right :)

My only real pregnancy crisis occurred at week 30 in the form of a horrific bought of PUPPPS - mercifully, it only lasted 3 weeks. But it was nightmarish while it lasted. Good thing I didn't write about it while I had it... this posting no doubt would be full of death wishes and profanity! I empathize completely with anyone going through it now.

The last few weeks were hard (aren't they always?) and for the first time during the pregnancy, I became very emotional. I remember crying a lot, just wanting to meet my baby and hold him in my arms. I ached to meet him, even though he was literally closer to my heart than he ever will be again. I couldn't wait to cross that finishline. Looking back I see how wrong I was - the end of pregnancy is anything but a finish line - it's the biggest starting line of all!

Daniel, this blog is for you. I want you to know about your life from the beginning. I want you to know that you have always been loved by your father and by me. I want you to have records about your first few years, so that if you have a family of your own someday, you have some (hopefully) helpful information. And then, when you finally have kids of your own, I want you to look back and read this and understand me in a way that you won't be able to until then. I love you, my sweet Danielbug!

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