Sunday, December 20, 2009

Bilingual Schmilingual

So, raising a bilingual child hasn't been as easy as we expected. We are both bilingual, but it's much more difficult to figure out the balance (expecially when your relationship exists primarily in English).

Daniel knows some vocabulary words, and is able to follow short commands (but we suspect this has more to do with body language than actual verbal language).

Basically, we are failing in this area... and need to correct it quickly.

So, on the way to church today, we had to pull over so that a fire truck could fly by with it's lights and sirens on full blast.

Recognizing an opportunity, I said, "Daniel, the fire truck has to put out the fire with AGUA."

He repeated the sentence, understanding.

I said, "Daniel, it has to put out the FUEGO with AGUA."

He repeated the sentence, still understanding.

Finally, I said, "Daniel, VA A APAGAR EL FUEGO CON AGUA."

He said, "Oh yes! Fuego with agua!"

Elated, I said "Si!"

And Daniel said, "Oh - Zeee!! I LOVE Zeee! Z is for Zebra... D is for Daniel... A is for Ava... M is for Mommy... F is for Fernando, right Mommy?"

My victory was so very short-lived.

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