Thursday, February 18, 2010

Thrill Seeker

Every day on the way out of the house, Daniel likes to pretend he's lifting the garage door as it automatically opens - saying "muscles!" and acting like he's lifting it up.

Yesterday he ran over to do just that as I loaded our work/school things into the car. A few seconds later I heard a panicked whimpering noise and turned to see one of the funniest and scariest things I have ever seen.

Daniel had grabbed on and ridden the door to the ceiling.

Still clinging tightly to the garage door, he had kept his grip all the way to the ceiling. By the time I grabbed his hips, his head was way above mine. Those are some strong little arms and shoulders! All that "playing wheelbarrow"at home has apparently paid off.

My initial reaction was to scold him. My secondary reaction was to fawn all over him. My third reaction was to ask if he was ok. His eyes were wide and he just nodded, terrified and shaking.

All the way to school he repeated, "No want to be scared - no touching the big door."

My little reluctant thrill-seeker. :)


Anonymous said...

Carrie, I have SO ENJOYED reading about your family. I cannot believe that Daniel is almost 3!! Keep up the good work!!

SStephanieMM said...

Oh my gosh! I laughed so hard reading this story!!! I guess he is right, he does have some muscels! The awesome thing is I can picture everything playing out since I was there recently. Too cute!