Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 7: Family Flood

My sister and I often talk about what an incredible upbringing we had - we were always safe, warm, fed, loved, and truthfully, spoiled! But in the good way (we'd like to think). And all of our fondest childhood memories are the direct result of our amazing family - a loving support system that knew how to laugh, relax, survive tough times, work hard, and play together.

This week, Fernando, Daniel & I had the rare privilege of spending a few days with a lot of my family at once - something that doesn't happen often, since we are a 21st century "long distance family". My parents, along with my 3 remaining grandparents, passed through Phoenix on the way back to their home in Texas. They had been in California, helping my Mom's parents pack up and move to Texas, to be close to everyone else.

All that to say, for two solid days, Daniel was hugged, squeezed, kissed, passed around, spoiled, tickled, sung to, rocked, and adored by two grandparents and three great grandparents. I don't know a lot of little kids who get that honor. We took plenty of pictures, so that when he's older, he'll get to see this incredibly special experience for himself.

Watching my family interact with Daniel brought out sides of them that recalled memories of my own childhood. My grandpa's quiet but tender gaze... my gramma's joyful smile and constant exuberance... my mema's quiet wisdom... my mom's loving playfulness... my dad's overflowing pride in his grandson.

I was telling my Mom the other day that I understand her better now that I have Daniel. It's hard to explain exactly what changed, but holding my own baby in my arms, loving him so much that I could cry... and knowing that not so long ago it was HER holding me and loving me the same way... I now understand a part of her that I simply could not have known before. I suppose it's only natural that becoming a mother makes the bond with your own mom stronger. She stayed at our house for two weeks after Daniel was born - and I don't know if I could have survived without her. Just like I know I'll never survive this parenting thing if she isn't a phone call away for all the little questions and joys that arise.

It's not just my Mom that I'm seeing in a new light - it's the rest of the family too - just in different ways. I appreciate them more - love them more - and now I'm more determined than ever to give Daniel the kind of childhood I had. One where he never has to experience a lack of love or support.

Of course I worry that I won't measure up - that I won't have all the answers (my Dad knows absolutely everything!), or I won't have my Mom's magic comforting touch. But I'm determined to learn every trick of the trade they're willing to pass along.

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