Monday, June 07, 2010

The Start of Something New

Daniel's first swimming lesson was this morning. Cue 6 weeks of no apples, pears, no other swimming outside the lesson, daily 10 minute lessons and (my personal favorite), documenting every time he sleeps, eats, poops or pees on a form. I kid you not.

These lessons are not traditional - they aren't "backstroke" and "butterfly" type lessons. These are "how to save myself if I fall in a pool" lessons. Infant Swimming Resource is our weapon of choice, and so far, I'm pleased.

Today we arrived (late) and got our paperwork done, including our "BUDS" sheet where we'll track all of Daniel's... bodily functions... with excruciating detail. (There is something in me that loves doing this kind of tracking - it's rewarding in some twisted way.) Apparently there are some signs of trouble during the lessons that will surface on the BUDS sheet routines and it will help keep Daniel out of any potential intestinal pain during the lessons.

Today he met Ms. Tammy and they spent their 10 minutes in the pool getting to know each other. He took right to her, showing her his imaginary octopus and star fish immediately. She worked on teaching him to reach for the bar/exit in their pool, releasing him from various angles and distances and he successfully lifted himself up each time.

He only went underwater once today - I imagine this will change dramatically starting tomorrow. One of the first skills he'll need to master during lessons is holding his breath underwater with his eyes open - something he absolutely cannot/will not do currently.

It was oddly refreshing to sit back at watch someone else work with my child. Parents are strongly encouraged NOT to give their kids any direction during the lesson and at first it was hard to bite my disciplinarian tongue when Daniel just kept telling Ms. Tammy that he didn't want to go underwater. But she handled it beautifully, winning both his respect and his affection in just minutes.

Anyway. This was only day one of thirty and already his confidence and skills have improved a bit. Hopefully the crazy crying stage I keep hearing about will be short-lived or (please!) non-existant altogether.

A mom can dream, right?

Now if you'll excuse me. Daniel just went #2 and I need to document it on the BUDS sheet.

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