Saturday, April 09, 2011

Plagued by Nostalgia

Sometimes I wonder if I'm the only mom who is this nostalgic. At times I am acutely aware of how amazing the current moment is - it's like my senses are heightened and I recognize the moment as one I'll want to remember - spidey mama senses - yet I STILL cannot enjoy it because I'm already mourning it... when it hasn't ended yet.

Does that even make sense?

I have always been too nostalgic and it's not serving me well in motherhood.

I need to trust that each stage of Daniel's life will continue to be better than the previous, even if that looks differently in the future than it does now.  But so far, just out of pure love, my heart has been broken too many times to count.

He is only FOUR.  My poor heart is in trouble.  

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