Thursday, February 12, 2009

Month 23: How Did We Get Here?

Holy cow, Daniel is going to be two. I have been asking myself a question that is not rhetorical at all... how did we get here?

He's a little man. He is so smart, so funny... honestly I feel like I fall in love with him all over again, each day. He is creative - he invents his own games and then makes up the rules. He is independent without being pushy. He knows what he wants, but is open to negotiation. He is affectionate without being clingy. He is considerate and kind to other kids, and protective of his friends and family. Who could ask for more? (That question, on the other hand, IS rhetorical).

As we approach the big day (Saturday!) I feel it's time for another quick "never to forget" list. Fernando, Daniel and I took a daytrip to Sedona last week, playing hookie from real life for a few blissful hours. We hiked, ate lunch, went shopping, walked the strip, and just enjoyed each other's company. It was a thoroughly delightful day in every aspect. While Daniel napped in the car, Fernando and I listened to Jorge Drexler and made this list together of the "right nows" in our life.

We love how he.....

- Lays on his stomach to read and kicks his feet in the air.
- Squints and is silly when we pull into the garage and see the CD player lights.
- Jumps over things that may or may not be too tall to jump over.
- Uses the word "too" profusely. Too bright, too hot, too late (??), too dark, etc...
- Yells "hiya" and "hike" while playing with footballs.
- Loves to be tickled and always asks for "more".
- Is obsessed with "Nano's Seat" (the stroller). Sometimes he finds it, pushes it to us, climbs in and says "Outside? ok!"
- Sees the number eight everywhere and thinks all amperstands (&) are "8s".
- Adores french toast.
- Can put away an obscene amount of food. Sometimes he eats more than I do.
- Calls pirates "pie-dits" and can sing the "no hero" part of the Larry Boy song.
- Gets bossy when we're dancing to music - he points and demonstrates what he wants us to do.
- Loves chocolate milk. The way his little voice says those words is priceless.
- Still adores his favorite animal "Zona"... although his pronunciation of her name changed again: "Sue-dah".
- Loves to help me feed the cats... "Nano help you"... "Keee Food".
- Suddenly learned to say "cheese" and smile for a camera. (Who taught him that?)
- Gets tired at the dinner table and wants to lay his head in our hands (but continue eating).
- Smiles. That smile evolves daily... it's bittersweet to see it change so quickly.
- Gives me nose kisses.
- Likes to discipline the cats. Fernando saw him telling a cat to get out of his crib: "Go kitty, go!" while pointing sternly.
- Loves to play "pi-joe" (the piano). He takes turns playing the black and white keys.
- Is terrified of the vaccum but also wants to help push it.
- Protects Ava and takes care of her. In return, she follows him around and corrects him when he's doing something wrong. (Is this a marriage in the making or what?!)
- Loves his Animal Book. He can recognize and say all kinds of crazy animals... Toucan, Wolf, Cheetah, Leopard, Peacock (key-kock!), Penguin, Meerkat, Crab, Jellyfish, Walrus, Hamster, etc!)
- Always wants to know "what happened?" to anyone and everything. His standard response: "Ah no no!" ("I don't know!")
- Loves to say "bless you" to anyone who sneezes and just to anything in general. The first time he said bless you, he continued for an hour: "bless you cars" "bless you horse" "bless you sock" "bless you eight"...
- Stops before crossing the street, and when asked if there are cars, he says "Nope!"
- Pronounces words with that sweet little voice. Moon: "moot", Ham: "hamp", Blue: "bee-you", Hot Dog: "hah cog"...

I hesitate to even publish this posting because I know the list is far from complete. I could spend days at a time documenting all the things I never want to forget.

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