After a minute of looking, I do remember that this was taken at Sea World, during a fabulous (and now infamous) San Diego trip. He's being passed from his Mema to his Papa somewhere inside the Arctic Exhibit.
I remember that we kept bibs on him all the time (severely hindering his sense of fashion, I'm sure!). I remember that his hair was always patchy and comb-over-y. I remember that he had croup during that trip, so we kept him in the only warm clothes we had brought with us, ugly flannels and pjs.
But I don't remember if he was crawling or walking yet... I don't remember what kinds of words or sounds he was making... I don't remember what kinds of foods he wanted to eat.
Maybe that's why I'm addicted to photography and blogging about the kiddos... I know that my memory cannot be trusted, and time must be preserved another way.
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