One song, "Party in my Tummy", actually got him to eat green beans for the first time. (They were sad because they couldn't go to the party in his tummy... seems like I have blogged about this before.)
Lately, Daniel has really enjoyed listening to the music on the way to school. His favorite song now is called "Love My Family" and was recorded by The Roots (the world's coolest band - also the set band on Late Night with Jimmy Fallon).

But I digress. Daniel has started singing a ton and learned the lyrics quickly. He tells us he wants to sing the first part, and we can sing on the chorus.
I keep meaning to record his sweet little voice singing these words... he just chills in his car seat, looking outside as the world passes by, and goes for it.
Sometimes when I am sitting by myself
Those quiet moments when not with no one else
I'm mesmerized by all the many good things in my life
I think about the time when I was younger
And the older that I get the more that I feel wiser
With the love of friends and family
Get stronger and it carries me on through
So I say lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely lovely
lovely lovely lovely love, love my family.
It is physically impossible not to feel like the luckiest family in the world in moments like these.
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